British Open Slalom Championship 2010 – Final Results!


The Overall British Slalom Champion for 2010 is

Paul Price (Pavel Racing)



Louis Selby is the British Hybrid Slalom champion 2010


A Group

Slalom hs Qualifying1(1)

1. Louis Selby
2. Paul Price
3. Sam Gordon
4. Chris Linford
5. Jeroen Steggink (Holland)
6. Paul Taylor-Crush
7. Rob Ashby
8.Tim Neal

B Group

1. Ian Sutherland-Cranfield
2. Sam Slaven
3. Terry St George
4. Jon Merrifield
5. Dominic Barrette
6. Nigel Allgood
7. Matt




Paul Price is British GS champion and Overall British Slalom Champion 2010.

1. Paul Price
2. Sam Gordon
3. Chris Linford
4. Louis Selby

Paul Price GS Run


Full GS Results:

BOSC 2010 GS Results

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