The development of the Cyclopark on the A2 in Kent near Gravesend is now underway. As a multisport venue, the Cyclopark has a road circuit that can be used for slalom competitions and a purpose-built skatepark for those vertical moments. Here is the development plan and latest update from Project Manager Laurence Tricker:
Works on Site
I have attached a visual of the works currently underway and programmed for completion by the end of March 2011.
Pavilion Contract
We have now assessed the tenders for the pavilion and will work with our preferred contractor to undertake a value engineering process to bring the cost into line with our budget. This may mean that elements of the pavilion will change but we still intend to provide an outstanding venue for hosting community recreation and sports programmes and national or indeed international events for a range of sports.
Operational Stage
We have now received a number of ‘expressions of interest’ from potential operators who have expressed interest in acting as the operator for Cyclopark and some have indicated providing potential additional investment. However the appointment of the right operator for what has been called the ‘largest cycle park in Europe’ will take time but it is positive news that others are keen to develop the facility further.
Ministerial Visit
Hugh Robertson, the Minister for Sport and Olympics will be visiting the construction site on February 4th and whilst only a brief visit it is a great opportunity for us to promote Cyclopark further, demonstrate our ambitions for sport here in Kent and showcase what can be achieved in partnership with others.
Press Coverage
The project has received positive press recently due to additional funds and progress made, and we intend to ensure that this positive news is continued with a series of events over the coming months.
I do hope the above summary is of interest, should you want to know more please do call.
Best wishes
Laurence Tricker
Cyclopark Project Manager
Telephone 01474 338813
Mobile 07738076298
work email
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